New Site, New Album

Published: 28/09/24

Woah! Check it out! Yes.

We have a new website, it's a Neocities page to both maximise nostalgia for the classic internet, and also because it's free and you can write all the code yourself. That's why the site looks fairly simple and doesn't have a mobile layout. Sorry. But let's not get too caught up in the ins and outs, this site looks more professional than the Carrd one previously, it has space for news updates which is great, you can see the most recent albums and news posts right on the front page, and it has a more confident energy to it. Mostly.

Not only is there a new website, but just days before it's launch came a new album, Technology! Yes finally another album after almost a full year has passed since the last one. With a particular focus on being more experimental, specifically with samples and general weirdness. Lovely. It's available in all the usual places for your listening pleasure. I would've had more released by now but after a hectic second year on my HND, and having a lot to deal with as a whole last year on top of releasing 3 albums, well I burned out. But I was still able to get something out to the world which is always a good thing. There won't be any other releases this year unless something extraordinary happens, but don't count on it.

Thanks for visiting the garden as always, and thank you for all the streaming that's been going on! We've surpassed 170,000 between all platforms, which is a massive milestone!

Copyright Wave Garden Music 2024